Yoo~ wat's up~ Today have been quite an exciting day for me~ After class today on our way back, we went to have a look at the Clinique moving van which is located just outside East Gate of UTAR. What we did not expect was.. we will be participating in the event. The event was actually quite fun. Those people from Clinique will be helping us with our make-up.. explaining to us on how to protect our skin and helping us to set our hair. Then they'll take a few photo of us and we'll get to choose 1 of them to keep. Besides that, we'll get some stuff worth RM130 from them as well and all we'll have to do is pay RM30 and we'll get all this services. It's quite a fun day actually.. getting styled up and looking so flashy and fantastic.. such a nice experience for me^^

Then, after the photoshoot, we got back home and did our own "in-house photoshoot". Haha.. well.. those curly hairs and make-up done by them is just too nice to be wasted.. So we took even more pictures when we got back home^^ Such an exciting yet tiring day for me indeed =)