The adventure of life is to LEARN
The goal of life is to GROW
The nature of life is to CHANGE
The challenge of life is to OVERCOME
The essence of life is to CARE
The secret of life is to DARE
The beauty of life is to GIVE
The joy of life is to LOVE
And I'm loving you always~
weeee~ today we went to the Clinique Photoshoot again this year~ However I felt that last year photoshoot was much more enjoyable compare to this year a lot. We went to register at around 12pm and waited for almost 3hours over there until it reaches our turn. Luckily today's weather is still consider OK compare to the other normal days in Kampar. Took a few pictures over there and after we got back home. Didn't spend so much time like last year taking pictures as we are all too tired for the day and we still need to study for our test tomorrow. Hope I'll be able to do it @_@" Anyway here are some pictures for you guys to see~ enjoy^^
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