Live Life to the Fullest~

The adventure of life is to LEARN The goal of life is to GROW The nature of life is to CHANGE The challenge of life is to OVERCOME The essence of life is to CARE The secret of life is to DARE The beauty of life is to GIVE The joy of life is to LOVE And I'm loving you always~ (^3^)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Been awhile~

20th Dec. '09
It's been awhile since I last updated my blog. Was busy with my college stuff... tonnes of assignment to be done but now i'm FREE!!! yay.. haha.. never felt this relax before. Just as the relaxation starts, Ms.WOO CAME BACK... MY WORST NIGHTMARE... so now for every single week till the end of this semester, I've gotta study for her subject because she's gonna give us tonnes of test to be done due to her absenteeism for 2weeks cause of her motorcycle accident.
Anyhow, me and my friends still manage to spend some time having fun. We went for badminton and lunch at Seoul Garden. Thinking back, a lot of things really happen to my life this semester. Some unpredictable stuff. At first, a guy actually told me he liked me. But I've never even know him how much to even liked him.. weird... but I just feel lucky that I never accepted him because he turns out to be a real jerk and a big pain in the ass. It's like a fly buzzing around you and you are unable to chase it away. Every time you chase it away, it came back to annoy you even more...sigh..

Besides that, we also manage to go clubbing last Friday(11/12). Not many of my friends manage to go because they've already got other things planned. Too bad. Anyway we still did proceed with our plan and went to Mois with only 5 of us. That night, Mois is having a fashion show or miss somthing show.. I just know I dislike it very much. Disturb my party mood only.. lolx.. Anyway after that show, it's like around 1am. So we just spend the whole night dancing on the dance floor for the whole 2hours till the pub closes. hahaha.. it surely was one hell of a night. It's also a night that I will never forget because somehow it change the whole world around me. Those that attend that night will know what did I mean by this. haha~ anyway X'mas is just around the corner. Enjoy yourself to the max and MERRY X'MAS to all my beloved friends. (^oo^)

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